The World Economic Forum, an international organization focused on improving the state of the world, has played a significant role in promoting the Paris Agreement and encouraging global action on climate change.

Signed in 2015, the Paris Agreement is a landmark international treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The agreement was a significant achievement and marked a turning point in global efforts to combat climate change.

The World Economic Forum has been a vocal supporter of the Paris Agreement, recognizing it as a crucial step towards creating a more sustainable future. In addition to providing a platform for leaders to discuss climate-related issues, the Forum has also promoted initiatives aimed at supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement.

One such initiative is the Climate Initiative, launched in 2014 by the World Economic Forum in conjunction with several other organizations. The initiative aims to accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon, sustainable economy by engaging with businesses, governments, civil society, and other stakeholders to support the Paris Agreement`s goals.

The World Economic Forum has also emphasized the crucial role that businesses play in achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The Forum has worked to mobilize private sector resources and encourage companies to adopt more sustainable practices and invest in green technologies.

Despite these efforts, there is still much work to be done to ensure the success of the Paris Agreement. The World Economic Forum recognizes the need for continued action and collaboration among all stakeholders to address the urgent challenge of climate change.

In conclusion, the World Economic Forum has been a strong advocate for the Paris Agreement and a leader in promoting global action on climate change. Through initiatives such as the Climate Initiative and emphasis on the role of businesses, the Forum has played a critical role in advancing the goals of the Paris Agreement and creating a more sustainable future for all.